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Other Aquatic Activities

Other Aquatic Activities

What We Offer

Swimming-BackstrokeslotWe provide a free badge for those attaining awards and certificate for all pupils, each half term. In addition, we also provide half termly feedback for schools on attainment levels in each class. There is no extra charge for this service, provided your school accesses Nottingham School Swimming. Also available for schools accessing the programme are KS1-4 Swimming Championships,. This consists of a week long festival of swimming during the Summer Term, whereby schools are invited to participate in activities from non-swimmers events, to club swimmer championships. Details are published on the news section of the website annually.


Throughout the academic year, we also provide a number of ASA Module 1 & 2 courses, specifically aimed at school staff. These courses are prioritised for schools accessing Nottingham School Swimming and are designed to improve standards of teaching and confidence for KS1/2 staff.

New For This Year

    During 2016/17, we will also be offering schools a number of new aquatic activities, including:

  • Aquatic Helpers Course
  • Introduction to Diving
  • Top-Up Lessons
  • Swim Stars
  • Water Polo and Mini Polo
  • Aqua FunSyncro.

Go to information and downloads for more on these schemes and associated documents
Contact us for more information regarding these sessions.

Access to annual galas, festivals and training opportunities and for prices and booking information visitĀĀ 

Contact The School Swimming Service

Contact The School Swimming Service @ SOLAR
Phone:0115 947 6202