DataVibe Resources

Additional Supporting Resources for The DataVibe Drugs Survey

This Primary Drug Education Scheme is from the award winning Nottingham DrugAware Programme. The Jed and Ted Explore Drugs resource has been developed with busy teachers in mind. Developed using data collected from over 1000 young people in the D-Vibe Survey, and piloted with over 400 primary school children of all ages and abilities this appealing interactive resource is: Evidence based: Tested and Evaluated: Modular and adaptable: Interactive, print and whiteboard friendly.
Secondary DrugAware Drug Education Resources
Modular and easy to differentiate (notes included) it can be used to fit the learning needs across the years, developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to make safer, better informed choices.
Used as a key spine resource or in conjunction with a DataVibe Survey for drugs, it is the simplest, most focused and best evidenced programme of it’s kind. Accredited by the PSHE Association who described the resource as ‘bold, modern and very adaptable’.
Secondary Drug Education QuickBites
These quick activities are designed to be selected to fit the needs of young people for drug education as well as meet the needs of busy teachers and a crowded curriculum..
They can be used to deliver drug education in a variety of settings such as tutor time, focus or carousel days, PSHE lessons, Targeted interventions or within curriculum opportunities.
They are also written to fit with the DataVibe reports so you can build a precise programme, based on your data and then evaluate the impact on learning with a follow up survey.
PSHE coordinators can build bespoke workbooks for the students and supply with the matching teacher notes booklets to tutors or other delivery staff, giving them everything they need to teach the drug and alcohol programme.

Including a bespoke Drug and Alcohol Assessment Tool, eNgage supports sensitive or difficult discussions with young people. Using situational pictures to trigger or guide discussion the tool can be used for collecting important data. It collects the information behind the scenes to support information sharing.
Fully tested and secure (data protection compliant 2017).
Supporting Documents for online action plan and DataVibe Surveys
Keys stage 1 and 2 Curriculum audit / staff training needs audit combined
Can be distributed to staff, completed electronically or printed then rounded up in the criteria audit
Keys stage 3 and 4 Curriculum audit / staff training needs audit combined
Can be distributed to staff, completed electronically or printed then rounded up in the criteria audit
Risk identification skills lesson – uses images from KS1/2 Survey
This links the images in the survey with Jed and Ted so you can integrate it into the scheme