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Developing Character Using a Whole-Pupil Approach


What is ‘Character’?

We see character as set of personal traits/capabilities that allow people to achieve their potential.
We believe ‘character counts’ and this belief has drawn together a wide range of services within SOLAR that can support the development young people and prepare them for the future. The SOLAR service uses the concept of strengthening character to underpin the support, resources and training it provides. We specialise in transformation and change management for schools looking to advocate and apply evidence-based practice bringing the concepts of social and emotional skills, resilience and strength of purpose to young people’s lives so they live, learn and achieve better.

The story so far..

We have been working over the last year with a group of schools in Nottingham City to develop a bespoke character curriculum for the young people of our city. It has long been recognised that learning and motivation are, in themselves, learned skills and developing character strengths that support learning is key to successful outcomes.

Why Character?

Our PSHE team will offer support for schools to improve and implement PSHE, help those working towards their Healthy Schools award, The DrugAware Award or Nottingham’s RSE Charter. The Adventure team provides a progressive range of camping and adventure challenges for young people the John Muir Award.   School Sport Nottingham provides an extensive programme of sporting competitions and activities for all. Opportunity Notts allows young people to record all their achievements and build up a picture of who they are through what they have done. The Outdoor Learning Services provides training and support for organisations who want to deliver their own activities and the Risk Management service provides a framework that enable organisations to be compliant in the delivery of such work.