Quality Standards
Accreditation and Quality Standards
The DrugAware Award
Drug Aware is an aspirational standard for schools and their communities, supporting them to address drug and alcohol issues through early intervention.
It leads the way in making a real difference. The standard, set out for schools to build on existing work, helps to develop a more effective, evidence-based approach. With the participation of parents and pupils, DrugAware schools will have better, more robust drug and alcohol education, policy and support for vulnerable young people.
The DrugAware Award Programme offers primary and secondary phases a whole school approach to addressing drug and alcohol issues in the schools setting. All the tools, materials, training and support you need are included in this package to ensure you meet the DrugAware Standard, becoming a DrugAware School. Could your school/academy meet the criteria to be a DrugAware School?
Relationships and Sex Education Charter
The SRE Charter has been developed to enable schools to take a professional, assertive and positive approach to Sex and Relationships education. Schools who adopt the Charter will assure parents that the best possible practice around interpersonal development and relationships is observed. Equality should be at the heart of a school and the same applies for SRE. Supercharge the effectiveness of your school SRE practice and reassure parents that the school is doing everything that specialists have identified as effective in fostering respectful relationships, a preven
tative approach to teenage conception and keeping young people safer and emotionally healthy.
Healthy Schools Awards
The team offers a range of Healthy Schools Inspired Accredited Standards and tools.
Healthy School Status
Schools are able to achieve a nationally agreed standard to recognise commitment towards the health and wellbeing of their pupils. This follows a whole school approach including leadership, policies, curriculum, whole school ethos, support for pupils and partnerships. Schools are able to maintain Healthy School Status by completing a biannual whole school review.
Health Improvement Award
Schools are also encouraged to work on a priority area identified through a needs assessment survey. They follow a Plan-Do-Review cycle of health improvement to achieve meaningful outcomes for their pupils. Examples of priority areas are, substance misuse, online safety, relationships and sex education, Healthy Lifestyles, Emotional Health and wellbeing.
Contact Us
Contact PSHE Advisory team @ SOLAR
Phone:0115 947 6202