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The Sex and Relationships Charter

Committing to Effective Practice at Every Stage

The RSE Charter

SRE-charter-web-brand-circular Committed schools can display the charter mark on their website, leading the way by example and reassuring parents that their approach is appropriate and effective – based on the charter

The RSE charter Committment

We believe that the provision of good quality RSE is essential for our pupils. The RSE we provide safeguards our pupils by allowing them to explore what a safe and healthy relationship is, giving them information on appropriate support services, and enabling them to make positive and informed choices about their bodies, sexual health and relationships as they move into adulthood.
Our school believes that:

  • effective RSE supports us in safeguarding pupils
  • RSE is an entitlement for all young people throughout their school life
  • equality and respect lies at the heart of all relationships and that sexist or homophobic language and behaviour are not acceptable and must be challenged

Download the RSE Charter

Our provision of RSE:

  • is based on the real needs of pupils and is informed by current experiences of young people in today’s society
  • is inclusive of a range of relationship choices and families
  • is delivered regularly throughout a pupil’s time at the school as part of a comprehensive PSHE programme
  • is progressive, enabling pupils to gain knowledge, develop skills and explore attitudes and values in an age-appropriate way from when they start at the school to when they leave
    enables children and young people to make informed, healthy choices and keep safe
  • is delivered by trained, confident staff using a variety of active teaching and learning methods
  • is complemented by the input of appropriate external providers
  • is a partnership with parents/carers
  • signposts young people to sources of support both in and out of school
  • is delivered in a safe way that enables all pupils to contribute
  • is accessible for all regardless of gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, faith, ethnicity, culture or disability
Key to our support for schools to deliver effective RSE is the SOLAR PSHE Advisory Service RSE Charter. Schools who commit to the charter pledge to approach and deliver RSE in a way that draws on evidence and research, is linked to national intentions to improve the quality and respect within relationships, tackle sensitive safeguarding and attitudinal issues, and ensure that young people understand the implications of their relationship choices as they grow and mature into adulthood.
Nottingham City Council in partnership with the PSHE Advisory Service, is committed to ensuring that all children and young people in the City receive their entitlement to regular and effective Sex and Relationships Education in schools and other settings. Effective RSE helps to safeguard children and young people. We have launched the Nottingham City RSE Charter to support schools in providing RSE that meets the needs of their pupils. We want all schools in the City to sign up to this charter.
sign up for the RSE Charter

Support for Schools from the PSHE Advisory Service

Schools can access a range of materials and training to help your schools provide effective RSE.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) aims to inform children and young people about relationships, emotions, sex and sexuality and sexual health. It enables them to develop personal and social skills and a positive attitude to sexual health and well-being.

RSE starts at home and is received from parents/carers, siblings, friends, television, films, magazines, the internet and school. It doesn’t just happen when we are young: all through our lives we continue to learn about sex and relationships. RSE is not just about sex, it’s about relationships and how people interact with each other in a positive way. Effective RSE supports children and young people with the physical and emotional changes of puberty, how to deal with new and changing relationships, and making safe choices with regards to their sexual health and physical and emotional well-being. RSE in schools is best delivered within the broader framework of personal social health & (economic) education (PSHE Education) within a safe and supportive learning environment and by confident, trained teachers. RSE is also seen as an important way to support young people to avoid teenage pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and to seek help if they are experiencing any kind of abuse. It is recognised that parents/carers must take the lead in instilling values in their children, but schools must also help in equipping pupils with the information & the emotional & social skills to make safe and healthy choices.Below you will find some links to useful documents. You can use the relevant tick-list to ensure that your RSE provision meets the requirements for the Healthy Schools annual review process.Our RSE Consultant can offer support with: updating your RSE policy and curriculum; consultation with parents/carers, pupils and staff; training; parent/carer meetings and suitable resources for RSE. If you need support please email

Contact Us

Contact PSHE Advisory team @ SOLAR
Phone:0115 947 6202