Happy First Birthday, OppNotts!
A year ago today OppNotts launched at Primary Parliament – so we thought we’d celebrate! In the last year we’ve worked with over 6000 children and young people in Nottingham and we want to increase that number over the next year!
As it’s our birthday, we’ve got a present too – but, as we’re generous, we thought we’d give it to you as well, rather than just keep it to ourselves. It’s the new OppNotts Events Calendar! This is where you’ll be able to see loads of exciting things that are happening in your area and across the city that are aimed at you! Plus, your school can add their own events too! Take a look and see what you can do this March in Nottingham!
As it’s our birthday, we decided to keep this blog short – and it’s got nothing to do with us wanting to disappear off and eat cake! Have a great day and be sure to wish us a happy birthday!
By Opportunity Notts – aged 1!
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