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All new DataVibe is Here!!


DataVibe is the new improved online toolkit for gathering data to plan and evidence work in developing character and lifeskills, manage risk and develop personal learning.
Accurate evidence-base is the surest way to ensure the effectiveness of the programmes you deliver.

Ofsted have made direct reference to inspection on how schools will meet standards for social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning as well as specific safety concerns such as online safety, drugs and alcohol, sexual risk behaviour, social/emotional resilience and life skills.  DataVibe gives you the tools to capture a wealth of useful data with young people to contribute in these areas.

We know that building social and emotional resilience and skills is a key part of risk education so this tool also helps you to identify the learning needs of young people and to gain a clearer picture of their personal skills in a range of contexts so that you can help them be healthy and stay safer.

D-vibe can be used to create a wide range of surveys, individually in small chunks, or combined, depending on time and need.

It has built in ‘flags’ in reports to show you exactly where weaknesses or worries lie within pupil’s behaviour, knowledge, skills or attitudes and, if responses suggest and overall issue, it will flag them. This enables you to effectively plan the learning for the group and then to retest after the lessons to check they have moved forward in these areas. It works on the overall group and will compliment any individual assessment evidence you have from lessons, backing it up with trend data to evaluate teaching and learning.


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