Ho Ho Ho! It’s OppNotts’ first Christmas!
Dear reader,
Thank you for taking the time to look at our blog – we hope you did so during the year too. It’s been a busy year for us as we launched the site in March and have been working with schools and academies in Nottingham ever since, trying to make sure as many children and young people as possible get as many chances as possible to try new things, build their confidence and see where their hidden talents may lie.
With this time of year being one of reflection, of thinking back over the last 12 months, we’d like you to think back over what you’ve done – in school and out – which you’ve enjoyed, has made you feel good or has helped someone else, and make a resolution to do more things like that in the new year. Let’s make 2017 the year of helping others and feeling good!
Hope you have a brilliant Christmas with family and friends and get at least one of the presents you asked Santa for – we’re hoping for some more server space, but then again we’re a website.
With seasonal cheer and love,
Opportunity Notts!
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